Matthew Kuranage Perera

Website Development Volunteer
May 2023

Matthew’s Journey


I am studying Computing and ICT Level 3 National Foundation/National Extended Diploma at University College Birmingham and currently doing my 10 day college placement as a Website Development Volunteer. 

I applied to Himaya Haven placement as I thought it would be a great chance to gain further experience on website development with a well established business. Firstly, I had an interview in April. Within the interview I discussed my strengths and weakness meanwhile being informed about how the placement will go. And I can say confidently it went a lot better than I expect, as the Himaya Haven Team were very welcoming and informative on my first day on May. The placement allowed me to understand certain procedures of how an office environment worked. Throughout, my 10-day placement I was set multiple tasks such as working on the ‘Updates’ page as it was having some issues and implementing Himaya Havens past projects on ‘Our Work’ page, I found this experience very enjoyable and reassuring as Zobia taught me how to use WordPress and helped me with anything if I was stuck. After completing the 10-day placement, I would confidently recommend anyone to do a placement / voluntarily work  at Himaya Haven, as I’ve learnt so much in 10 days.