About Himaya Haven


Empowering Communities

Winners of the 2019 High Sheriff of West Midlands Recognition Award.

Shortlists for the National Diversity Awards 2022 under the category
Community Organisation Award – Race, Religion and Faith.

Finalists of the British Muslim Awards 2023 under Charity of the Year.

Who We Are

Himaya Haven CIC is a leading Birmingham based organisation that concentrates on working with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (BAME) and specialise in supporting families of loved ones in custody and prison.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a range of culturally-sensitive services to meet individuals’ and family members’ needs whilst they progress through the criminal justice system by offering holistic support, advice, guidance, information, coping therapies and access to mainstream services. We believe that families should be able to access appropriate and timely support at every stage of the Criminal Justice System – from point of arrest to point of release.

Our Aim

Our aim is to speak up on behalf of the “Silent victims on the outside” by offering a variety of services to support families of men and women who have a link with someone in custody or prison. It is to champion their needs and problems, assisting these groups to cope with the anxieties of arrest, sentencing, imprisonment and release; alongside tackling taboo subjects which carry with them stigma, shame and dishonour.


What We Do

  • Support families with emotional & practical issues
  • Provide guidance and information to family members of those in custody and prison
  • Encourage them to continue functioning as a family
  • Develop support groups of those in similar circumstances
  • Where needed, signpost them to relevant organisations
  • Mentoring, advocacy and befriending
  • One to one support
  • Court support and advice
  • Work with schools
  • Information
  • Information on travel costs

Services We Provide


  • Group Support
  • One to one Support
  • Understanding the relevant aspects of the criminal justice system
  • Preparation for attending court and understanding possible charges & sentencing
  • Working with schools
  • Signposting
  • Information
  • Guidance
  • Workshops
  • Coffee Mornings

Referral Pathways


  • Self-Referral
  • Schools
  • Courts
  • Probation Service
  • Youth Offending Service
  • West Midlands Police
  • Family Members
  • Statutory Organisations
  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Places of Worship
  • Support Groups
  • Community Groups
  • Social Services

Key Statistics

Date: 03/02/2025

Prison Population







Home Detention Curfew



Himaya Haven came about after knowing an individual who experienced the harrowing event of having her son remanded in custody for a very serious offence and who did not know where to turn for help. She and the rest of the family felt isolated and distraught and unable to turn to their wider family. This prompted discussion in the local community with those who had experienced similar situations and organisations involved in the Criminal Justice System. It then became apparent that help was needed.

Individuals expressed periods of feeling isolated, ashamed and guilty that they had in some way failed. They felt unable to seek support or even understand the process they were now involved in, from the simplest thing of how to speak to the person in remand or custody or even how to arrange visits to see them. They indicated that they would have greatly benefited from an organisation that could have supported and guided them through the whole process and offered them emotional and practical support. It became apparent that many became anxious and depressed leading to periods of non-activity and removal from every day life.

We also found that when individuals return to the family following a period in custody they feel disoriented and isolated from the family who in turn find it difficult to support the individual and cannot understand why things simply do not return to how they were before they went in to custody and prison. Families have expressed that this causes friction and disharmony in the family settings can lead to periods of anxiety, and depression for those involved.

Consequently, we concluded that families needed support and guidance to understand why these changes occur and the skills to try to overcome these barriers. Furthermore, we concluded that our work could benefit not only the affected family but produce healthier and active people within their communities.

                                                         The Team

Razia Tariq Hadait MBE

Razia Tariq Hadait MBE


Razia Hadait MBE is the Founder and CEO of Himaya Haven CIC (HHCIC).
Tahmeena Suhail BA(Hons)

Tahmeena Suhail BA(Hons)


Tahmeena Suhail BA (Hons) is a Director of Himaya Haven CIC (HHCIC).
Zobia Hadait MSc

Zobia Hadait MSc

Co-Founder & Director/Secretary

Zobia Hadait MSc is a Co-Founder and Director/Secretary of Himaya Haven CIC (HHCIC).

Selina Baig

Selina Baig


Selina Baig is a Director of Himaya Haven CIC (HHCIC).
Rasheda Begum

Rasheda Begum

Family Engagement and Outreach Worker

Rasheda Begum is our Family Engagement and Outreach Worker for Himaya Haven CIC (HHCIC).