31/01/2023 – Our Ceo Razia and Director Tahmeena attended Muslim Women’s Network UK AGM in London at the House of Parliament. Attendees were toured around the House of Parliament and House of Lords, and Razia had a special mention in the report for her...
26/01/2023 – The team at Himaya Haven spent the day at H.M.P Swinfen Hall hosting a celebration event for young offenders who created art for our heritage arts project. The boys had a chance to show off their art pieces and explain the processes behind it and...
24/01/2023 – Our CEO Razia was invited onto Aapna Awaz radio show to talk about our Ramadan Prisoner Welfare Project.
19/01/2023 – Using the funding we were given we gathered our volunteers and went for a big shop at Aldi to get all the items we needed for our food hampers. These included essential items such as bread, eggs, tinned foods, fresh fruit, and dried foods like...
16/01/2023 – Razia had a meeting alongside KIKIT CEO Ashfaq, with Sergeant Gallon from West Midlands Police to encourage a referral process.