28/09/2021 – A virtual meeting (via Google Meets) with Natalie Booth who is an editor of the book we are writing a chapter for. This meeting was to go through edits and any main last changes.
22/09/2021 – A useful discussion surrounding issues facing our communities with introductions to other community organisations and members, and the terms of reference focusing on youth, crime etc. This was beneficial for Himaya Haven as we were able to extend...
21/09/2021 – We attended a private introductory meeting with Pak Pashtoon Association UK at their premises. This was a networking opportunity for us to engage with another community organisation, raise awareness of what we do and also learn about what Pak...
21/09/2021 – Part 1 of Stronger Voice’s introduction to reframing zoom event focused on reframing how we communicate about those involved in the criminal justice system to those outside the field, by using simplified language. It also discussed societal...