Outreach Engagement

Outreach Engagement

20/09/2021 – Outreach engagement at a women’s coffee morning where our leaflets were handed out and an introduction to Himaya Haven was made. The women were mainly from Arab and Yemeni descent. We had three self-referrals for housing which we will refer to...
Mentoring Session 7

Mentoring Session 7

16/09/2021 – Mentoring session 7 continued for the two primary aged children and one secondary aged. In total 3 sessions were conducted today..
Mentoring Session 6

Mentoring Session 6

14/09/2021 – Mentoring session with a 16 year old girl we are supporting. The session consisted of helping her to write a personal statement and learning the skills and techniques to edit this and to highlight her skills and values.
Mentoring Session 6

Mentoring Session 6

09/09/2021 – Our sixth session of mentoring support for a secondary age student who is now preparing for her GCSE’s. Again this was conducted at Ark Victoria Academy. 
Mentoring Session 6

Mentoring Session 6

09/09/2021 – Follow up mentoring session 6 for two primary age children we are supporting. Now that schools have reopened after the Summer break, these sessions took place at Ark Victoria...